In-app notifications

In-app notifications for new comments, new media uploads, new person joins and media status updated

Jared avatar
Written by Jared
Updated over a week ago

You will receive in-app notifications when new actions like comments made, media uploaded, participants added, and more take place in your account and all projects you're added to. New notifications will display as a red circle at the top right of your account with the number of unread notifications. 

All notifications would be grouped per action by asset as one notification, so all comments from Video 1 and all comments from Video 2 will show only two notifications if they took place in the same time frame. Notifications with comments will also share a comment preview and a scrubbable video thumbnail.

If you're added to multiple projects from different accounts, a red badge will also display over the account icon on the left-hand side of your project page when you have an unread notification waiting within that account. Once read, the notifications the badge will clear.

Note: You will not receive notifications for changes you make yourself 👍

💡 Pro Tip!

If you feel you're receiving too many email notifications, these can be disabled per-project under your project settings

If you disable your project email notifications, you will still receive your in-app notifications  🙌

You can also adjust your email digest frequency here.

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