Removing Users from your account
Jared avatar
Written by Jared
Updated over a week ago

Team Members

To remove a Team Member from your team, click on the logo on the top left-hand side of the project space, click Add Members.

Once your Users Dashboard opens, highlight the user you wish to remove. Once the user has been selected, a blue bar will appear on the bottom of your screen, which will have a Delete option on the right.

Removing a Team Member from your Team means they will no longer have access to any projects on your Team. Any content they have uploaded, along with any comments they've made, will remain.


Collaborators can be removed from a project by selecting the project, click on the person plus (+) on the top right, click the (x) on the user that should be removed from that project. Click Remove to confirm the action.

Collaborators can be removed from the entire account (all projects they have access to) by going to Account Settings and under the Users & Teams tab, click on Manage Collaborators (Enterprise users may see Manage Users. Click this and select Collaborators).

This will show a list of all collaborators inside of your account. Click the (x) on the user that should be removed from that project. Click Remove to confirm the action.

In both cases, once the user is removed, the account will be given credit back based on the amount of unused time of the user purchase.

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